About Us

At Coriander Creek, we’re more than just a homestead – we’re a family passionate about living simply and naturally. Our journey began with a desire to create gentle, nourishing products for our own skin using ingredients we could trust. As we delved deeper into the world of natural skincare, we discovered the incredible benefits of tallow-based soaps and herbal salves. 

Our homestead is situated in the midst of rolling hills and lush farmland, where we draw inspiration from the beauty of nature that surrounds us. Here, we tend to our gardens, growing herbs and flowers that infuse our products with the essence of the earth. We believe that the closer we are to the source of our ingredients, the more potent and effective our creations will be.

As a family, we value sustainability and strive to minimize our impact on the environment. We choose to work with reusable and biodegradable materials whenever possible, from the cotton hair ties we sell to the packaging we use for our products. Our goal is to provide you with high-quality, natural alternatives to conventional skincare and household items, while also promoting a more eco-conscious way of living. When you support Coriander Creek, you’re not just investing in your well-being – you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals who believe in the power of simplicity and the importance of caring for our planet. 

Inspired by Nature

Natural Bar Soaps

Made with care using tallow sourced locally, our handcrafted soaps from Coriander Creek are meticulously formulated to gently cleanse and nourish your skin, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and replenished. 

Herbal Salves and Creams

Made with an abundance of herbs grown in our own gardens at Coriander Creek, these expertly crafted salves and creams offer a luxurious experience of natural relief and nourishment for your skin.

Herbal Hot/Cold Pillows

Experience the soothing comfort of our herbal hot/cold pillows, perfect for relaxation and natural pain relief. Each pillow is filled with a blend of herbs that can be heated or chilled to suit your needs.

Our soft, stretchy cotton hair ties are gentle on your hair.

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